MembershipMembership in Riverdale Saddle Club is open to anyone and everyone who cares about horses.
Our membership "year" runs November 1st - October 31st each year. Membership dues for new members are $20 per voting member. Members of an immediate family (i.e. Mom, Dad, Children under 18) may all join for one $20 fee, but this will give the whole family only one (1) vote at business meetings. The family may purchase an additional vote for an additional $20 membership fee.* Those who are already members may renew their membership for only $10 each year, if they renew no later than the January business meeting. Anyone paying dues after that date will be considered a lapsed member and must pay $20 to join again. To join Riverdale Saddle Club, please attend any of our shows or our monthly club business meeting (always held on the 2nd Monday, except March which is the 1st Monday). If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from attending a club meeting or show in order to join, please email us the details of your situation and we will try to work with you on an alternative. Please feel free to email us with any questions as well. [email protected] *To be eligible to nominate and/or vote for club officers, you must have paid your yearly dues no later than the January meeting, and you must have attended at least 6 meetings in the previous 12 month period. |
current officers:
President: Bill Parrott Vice President : Norman Trivette Secretary/treasurer: Lisa Weaver Board of Directors: Troy Smith, Sonya Parrott(Chairman), Jenny Boling, Melinda Howard, Ricky Boling, Kristen Kirkland(alternate) |